Monday, April 7, 2014

The NLSC issues volunteer challenge to its membership

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported approximately 62.6 million people volunteered for an organization between September, 2012 – 2013. Additionally, volunteers spent a median of 50 hours on volunteer activities during that same period. Last April, the National Language Service Corps (NLSC) challenged its membership to volunteer their language skills in service of others during National Volunteer Week 2013.
Members tallied their volunteer hours during that week and shared their experience with the NLSC. The participants who reported their hours were recognized for their service in The Language Compass, an NLSC Members-only newsletter.

As volunteer week begins this year on April 6 – 12, 2014, the NLSC issued a similar challenge for individual Members and the three Regional Chapters: Los Angeles, CA; Washington, D.C.; and Honolulu, HI. The three chapters will compete against one another to acquire the most hours of volunteer work. Members are encouraged to join volunteer opportunities in their respective communities, such as consider tutoring others who are interested in learning a language, or even teaching an ESL class.

Currently, the NLSC has 4,825 Members representing 314 languages and are a great asset to the nation and their respective language communities. If you have a passion for languages and helping others, like many NLSC Members, we encourage you to volunteer in your community or even consider joining the NLSC by applying here. 

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