Thursday, December 29, 2016

NLSC Washington D.C. Regional Chapter Enjoys Chinese Brush Painting Workshop

Twenty-three National Language Service Corps (NLSC) Members from the Washington D.C. Regional Chapter participated in a Chinese Brush Painting Workshop at the Metropolitan Center for the Visual Arts (VisArts) in Rockville, MD on November 5, 2016.

Selina Cooper, Washington, D.C. Regional Chapter Coordinator opened up the workshop by providing a welcome address, discussing NLSC updates, and providing a formal introduction of the program instructor, Bertrand Mao. Bertrand Mao, Master Chinese Calligrapher and Painter, and resident artist at VisArts lead the workshop demonstrating how to effectively brush paint with various techniques.  Mr. Mao then gave a PowerPoint lecture on different Chinese painting/calligraphy techniques and preformed a live painting demonstration. The workshop concluded with NLSC D.C. participants practicing brush techniques and a group photo.

Participants immensely enjoyed this event and compared the practice/discipline of learning brush painting/calligraphy techniques to learning another language. NLSC Members were particularly intrigued by the event fueled by previous event feedback for a creative, yet culturally engaging social event relating to Asian culture. The event was filled to capacity and Members that participated in the event recommended that this event be repeated for other Members.

NLSC D.C. participants represented diverse languages including Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Nepali, French, Egyptian, German, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.

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