Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When you are a Member of the National Language Service Corps, you are a part of something greater…

NLSC Members are a part of a unique language network of service-minded individuals available to serve in response to a national need. Many join the organization in an effort to help their language community and the U.S. government. As the program has expanded, many Members express interest in serving wherever they are needed. With a growing program and over 3,600 language volunteers, everyone may not have an opportunity to volunteer their language skills on an NLSC assignment. And for this reason, the NLSC offers several exclusive Member benefits including:

o    Exclusive Access to Language Professional Development Resources through the NLSC 24/7 Member Center: The 24/7 Language Resource offers numerous language links, articles, and a long list of language resources. Members have access to LangNet for sustainment and enhancement training in dozens of languages up to an Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Level IV.
o    Participation on Social Networking Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.
o    Generous discounts thorough a national program which can save Members up to 60% on ticketed events, online shopping, and more.
o    Volunteer Stipend while on Assignment: Members selected for NLSC assignments become temporary Federal Hires and receive compensation.
o    Network with other NLSC Members and staff via NLSC Meet & Greet events.
o    Subscription to The Language Compass: a publication exploring relevant issues to NLSC membership and language speakers.
o    Official Language Assessment: Members who are selected to participate in an assignment have access to an Official Government language proficiency test or an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). 
o    Participation in Language Assignments: Members who volunteer may be selected to participate in challenging language assignments in the United States and around the world serving

This list serves to highlight some of the many benefits available to Members, however, it is a fact, some Members just want to be a part of an organization that appreciates language and cultural diversity. Band with the NLSC Members, and know that you are a part of something greater.


Paul Vong said...

I Join National Language Service Corps because I want to show American spirit to the world. I am so proud of to be a me National Language Service Corps member of

Paul Vong said...

I Join National Language Service Corps because I want to show American spirit to the world. I am so proud of to be a me National Language Service Corps member of